Zentrum für Pragmatische Psychologie Logo
Pragmatic Psychology - 2 Day Class

26. Januar 2019 27. Januar 2019

Susana has been featured in magazines such as TV soap, Women’s Weekly, Empowerment Channel Voice America, Om Times, Motherpedia, Newstalk New Zealand and Holistic Bliss. She has been interviewed on multiple radio programs, has hosted her own radio show and has been seen on television as an expert guest.

Pragmatic psychologist Susanna Mittermaier is known for her revolutionary perspective on mental illness and for inspiring people all over the world to access the greatness they are beyond abuse and disease. Susana offers a different, healing perspective on pain and suffering. She unveils people’s sheer brilliance, and guides others to see problems and difficulties instead as possibilities and potent choices.

She lets the world know that depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and every other mental illness is a capacity that has not been acknowledged and can easily be turned into creating ones´ life greater than can be imagined.

Budapest - Hungary

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