5. Juni 2021 – 6. Juni 2021
Susanna Mittermaier
What if Being You was the greatest adventure you could ever go on? Is now the time to be what and who you actually came here to be?
Welcome to a Being You Adventure, based on Dr. Dain Heer’s Being You, Changing the World book and classes, as well as the amazing toolbox of Access Consciousness.
These teleseries are facilitated by special Being You Facilitators worldwide and can give you an energetic experience of being that you won’t find anywhere else…
This class has no prerequisites and every event is uniquely created by the people who choose to come.
A teleseries is several calls over a period of time where the lines are generally open so you can contribute to the call and ask questions of the Being You Facilitator.
These calls allow you to dive deeper into special areas that you may not be able to explore in depth in any other class. They're one of the most dynamic ways for you to interact and ask questions on an ongoing basis with a Being You Certified Facilitator.
Join in from the comfort of your own home, at your work, on the train ... anywhere!
Being You - in a world that is changing!
Being You can sometimes seem like a challenge... and now that our world is changing so much ... what if you being you is exactly what our future requires!
If you would turn up you with all the colors and difference you are, what would become possible for our future?
You might not have considered that you are part of changing our world. You might have decided that you are wrong and that´s it. You might have hidden yourself a lot in your life. You might think its about somehow getting over your problems.
What if the way out of all of this is something totally different? You turning up you...How? Let´s discover that in our class. The Being You Adventure.
Welcome to this adventure which you can join Online from the comfort of your home.
If You have any questions, feel free to contact me, Susanna Mittermaier on info@susannamittermaier.com or my wonderful peeps on info@pragmaticpsychology.com
With more joy than is normal!
Yours, Susanna
For your time in the world click here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Being+You+-+in+a+world+that+is+changing%21&iso=20210605T19&p1=259&ah=2&am=30